Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Looking Back at VBS 2009

I look at this picture on my office wall each and every day as I work at my computer. To me, it represents the love and energy that God sends into, and then pouring out of, our church every year during VBS. It makes me so incredibly excited for what is yet to happen THIS year at VBS! Our program is truly blessed, and I am so thankful for each life that gets to be a part of it! As I type my very first ever blog entry tonight, I'm feeling incredibly thankful for Teresa Myers, who decided that our church needed a blog to keep all of you informed about VBS and many of the other great things we have going on that are related to VBS. Stay tuned and bear with me as I learn to be a blogger. :) Blessings to you all! Brook

1 comment:

  1. VBS is such an important event and as a former backyard vacation bible school teacher I have seen it touch the lives of kids from all different backgrounds. Kids would walk up from all over the neighborhood because they heard the music and laughter. Then they left with with the message that God is love and truly alive. Thank you for your dedication to serving the Lord with these children. Andrea Walters
